Afgezonderd ouder worden: implicaties voor product design

21 februari 2016, door Bart-Jan van Putten en Carolin Makus
Dit artikel is momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

In general, when people grow old, the number of social interactions they have decreases, which is called ‘disengagement’. Disengagement can be desired and undesired, which leads to the question whether product designers should enable or prevent it. In this article we will look at two theories on aging and discuss what they mean for the design of interactive products. (The photo of a turtle is a metaphor: the older we get, the more often we tend to ‘hide in our shells’.)

Perspectieven op veroudering en hun relevantie voor mens-machine interactie

24 januari 2016, door Carolin Makus en Bart-Jan van Putten
Dit artikel is momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

A person’s chronological age, e.g. ‘50’ or ‘65’, is a weak predictor for how the person uses interactive products. If we want to design products that fit to the needs and behavior of seniors, we therefore need to look at aging in a more sophisticated way. In this article we introduce five perspectives on aging and indicate how relevant they are for man-machine interaction.

SeniorWise organiseert de aftrap van Aging2.0 in Berlijn

17 januari 2016, door Anna Birk
Dit artikel is momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

On January 14th, SeniorWise hosted the Aging2.0 Berlin kick-off. Anna Birk interviewed Bart-Jan van Putten, who founded the local chapter in Berlin together with Sebastian Glende and Carolin Makus.

Aanbevelingen voor de ontwikkeling van mobiele personenalarmering

10 januari 2016, door Bart-Jan van Putten
Dit artikel is momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

Mobile personal emergency response systems (mPERS) allow people (often seniors) to call for help from any location where a mobile phone network is available. However, there is no guarantee that people will wear the device and actually be able to call for help in case of an emergency. In this article we will therefore present recommendations for the design of more effective mPERS.

Tablets voor senioren

10 augustus 2015, door Bart-Jan van Putten
Dit artikel is momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

Tablets are becoming ever more popular among seniors to e.g. communicate with their families, surf the web, view photos and play games. For seniors with little computer experience, standard (Android) tablets are hard to use and may not appear to be useful. Fortunately, several companies are working on special software packages for seniors, which can be installed on top of the operating system or used from within a browser.

Hoe je een fotolijst app voor senioren ontwerpt

22 juni 2015, door Bart-Jan van Putten
Dit artikel is momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

There are numerous digital photoframe apps on the market. Most of them are not useful for seniors and do not stimulate family, friends and caregivers to keep sharing photos. This article describes 11 guidelines for designing better photoframe experiences.

Het potentieel van smartwatches voor senioren

28 mei 2015, door Bart-Jan van Putten
Dit artikel is momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

Smartwatches have the potential to improve the quality of life of seniors. Many of the features that are already available can be useful for seniors. However, more features are needed and some existing features need to be adapted to suit seniors’ needs.